Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The LO's Dancing with the Stars

I was fortunate enough to sit in on a few rehearsals for The Louisville Orchestra's Dancing With The Stars event which is coming up this Friday.

The Stars this year are having so much fun, I had to share some footage of the rehearsals.

Remember these are just rehearsals. The stars are a retired pro basketball player, a realtor, and a lawyer. While they are paired with pros, they have only been dancing for a short time.

I am by no means a professional videographer with equally unprofessional equipment. I edited on Microsoft Movie Maker, again, not the most sophisticated technology. With that in mind, check out my latest film.

If you want to have FUN, FUN FUN and have a few Laughs, laughs laughs...
I think there are a few seats still available. Check out the webpage FMI.